TSW-117 Misty Ranger in Grave Danger – アダルト版菅野よう子

Nov 102017

Sumire aka Misty Pink is the only female fighter of “Mysterious Misty Ranger,” a top-secret organization protecting the peace of the world. Today she is enjoying her rare day off when she is called to the headquarters because of an emergency. Sumire hurries back to find that this is in fact a trap set by an evil secret society! The headquarters are under enemy control, and Commander Shirogane is held hostage! The enemy’s objective is to destroy the Rangers’ secret base while Misty Ranger and other Rangers are away on vacation! Sumire is put through unspeakable tortures by the evil organization, which wants to get the information on the secret base. Sumire would not speak, however, as she has trained hard to endure the most excruciating pains, but Commander Shirogane, unable to see her hardships, reveals the location of the secret base in the end. Because her fellow members are held captive, Sumire has to destroy the base herself using high explosives in three hours! Also, she has to fight most formidable humanoid monster Phantom! There is no way back for her now! Will Sumire ever rescue Commander Shirogane and stop the heinous bombing plans?!

Click to see big thumbnails

Resolution: 640×368
Duration: 1:08:38
File Type: mp4
File Size: 554Mb


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