TGGP-96 磁力マグナマンVSレシェルスモンスター隊 – グレイブの危険なマナピンク! レッシルスモンスターズアタックピンク! – 水谷あおい、マイミオリ

Nov 072017

Magna Pink, an only female member of Magnetic Force Magnaman, rescued a man. However, the man was an assassin who were sent from evil organization Sludge Empire. Magna Pink is taken to another space by opponent’s trap. Lecherous monsters continuously attack Pink to insult her body. Magna Pink can’t fight well because she faces such lecherous monsters for the first time. She is in a tough situation. She tries to call on her fellows for help, but any communications are blocked in the insulated space. So, she is forced to fight with monsters solely. Can Pink beat the lecherous monsters and return to the original world? Magna Pink is in grave danger. Lecherous monsters are targeting at her body!

Click to see big thumbnails

Resolution: 848×480
Duration: 1:16:20
File Type: mp4
File Size: 1434Mb


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