GHKO-92 電撃戦隊パーフェクトレンジャー2017 ~蘇ったサタンクロス~ Costume

Jun 022017

I finished training safely this time, joining the Perfect Ranger “Yuriko Momose” perfect pink. I work hard and a woman working hard. I have longing for Perfect Red. An organization of evil plotting Japan conquest “Satan cross”. It was supposed to have been destroyed by the predecessor Perfect Ranger. However, its President Schwarzen-Kreuz was reviving! I can not let it revive that threat! Although Perfect Ranger stands up, teeth do not stand on the phantom “Gurato” sent out from Schwarzen-Kreuz and pink is kidnapped. So pink is forfeited by combatants and Schwarzen-Kreuz and you are gradually brainwashed. Perfect Ranger fellows desperately trying to rescue pink. What is the end?

Click to see big thumbnails

Resolution: 856×474
Duration: 1:46:39
File Type: mp4
File Size: 1626Mb


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