Nov 302017

ZEKA-05 ZENピクチャーズカタログDVD 危機一髪総集編 ZENピクチャーズ 総集編/BOX

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Resolution: 640×480
Duration: 3:29:19
File Type: mp4
File Size: 2444Mb


Aug 142017

A strategy bomber, ”Super Fortress” is completed to end the war with Planet Gil. However, since the captain of Super Fortress falls into the hands of the Gilians, the Super Fortress strategy is deadlocked. Therefore, Hikaru of our self-defense force heads off to rescue the captain. A fierce battle continues to be fought between Hikaru, and the combatants, including the monster people that launch attacks one after the other. But, Hikaru is caught off guard and captured by her enemy, and ends up having to go through the world’s most dreaded brainwashing torture. Come on, Hikaru! How are going to get yourself out of this pinch?

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Resolution: 720×480
Duration: 1:28:40
File Type: mp4
File Size: 1985Mb