Dec 302017

GDBS-01 監督ベストセレクション 坂田徹 総集編

We densely recorded 100-minute pictures from Director Toru Sakata’s 10 films. Exclusively selecting straight-out awesome films which the director himself shot. Releasing the ultimate best-work all at once…

Click to see big thumbnails

Resolution: 640×360
Duration: 1:45:52
File Type: mp4
File Size: 881Mb


Nov 302017

ZEKA-05 ZENピクチャーズカタログDVD 危機一髪総集編 ZENピクチャーズ 総集編/BOX

Click to see big thumbnails

Resolution: 640×480
Duration: 3:29:19
File Type: mp4
File Size: 2444Mb


Oct 132017

TSR-03 SUPERセーラートゥルーパーズ act-2 GIGA(ギガ) Costume

Aya has been brainwashed by nasty sexual fondling performed by an enemy. With no knowledge about it, Ren runs to rescue her. Ren has a furious fight against militants. But, Ren faces Aya standing against her. Ren and Aya starts real fight. Then, Ren gets captured. Ren suffers from dirty sexual fondling performed by brainwashed Aya. Ren finally looses herself when Aya gives lesbian play.

Click to see big thumbnails

Resolution: 640×360
Duration: 1:33:00
File Type: mp4
File Size: 668Mb


Oct 132017

Aya and Ren get a curious pendant. From that day their destiny has changed. They are reborn as Sailor Trupers. Aya sneaks into a hideout of evil religious group that can be a threat to society; Aya’s goal is to destroy the group. But, there is an unexpected trap. Her classmates have been kidnapped. With no other choice, Aya suffers from nasty sexual fondling by the guru. Now, Ren is in search of Aya…

Click to see big thumbnails

Resolution: 640×360
Duration: 1:20:53
File Type: mp4
File Size: 581Mb