Nov 152017

CGBD-19 グラドルヒロイン危機一髪!! ガーディアン旅立ち 女優 ZENピクチャーズ 65分

Betrayed by Ai and abducted by Majima, Kaori gets tortured mercilessly in the crime organization Ashura’s hideout…. Ai, who sold the life of Kaori to Ashura to save her own life, is attracted to kind-hearted Kaori and Ai decides to fight against Ashura on her own again to save Kaori. Ai succeeds in saving Kaori at eleventh hour, but Kaori begins to doubt her mission as Guardian and decides to retire…. Ai is in turn hunted by Ashura and she persuades once retired Kaori to come back. The two girls are about to fight their last fight against Ashura, but..

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Resolution: 640×360
Duration: 1:07:03
File Type: mp4
File Size: 482Mb


Nov 152017

I When her father, member of a drug cartel, got caught in the crossfire, young girl Kaori Fujisaki was also involved and she was seriously wounded by a gunshot from an assassin. She spends five years in a coma and in a desperate attempt to wake her up, her grandfather Yuzou, who is an able scientist, continues to give illegal substances to the sleeping girl. One day finally Kaori wakes up from the long coma. However, the drug administered to Kaori has changed her body, transforming her into a girl with superhuman power! With her new gift, Kaori sets out to beat the criminals one after another as superheroine named ”The Guardian”. In the meanwhile, Majima, boss of the evil crime syndicate ”Ashura”, holding a grudge against the Guardian, was making a plan to get rid of her. Majima captures a female thief Ai Tsukimoto who stole into the syndicate’s warehouse and tells her that she must bring the Guardian to them if she wants to live, implanting a small bomb in the buttocks. Ai has no choice but to obey and approach to the Guardian, but…

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Resolution: 640×360
Duration: 1:08:08
File Type: mp4
File Size: 490Mb


Nov 132017

CGBD-13 グラドル戦隊退魔巫女戦騎トリプルランサー 青い死闘... グラビアアイドル 60分 イメージメーカー: Heroine Action

Triple Lancers are bitterly defeated by Fiend of Time who can manipulate time as he wishes…. Fuyuno Toyotomi, proudest member of the Lancers, wouldn’t stand it, fights back the fiend alone, trying to find the weak point of their enemy. However, Fiend of Time stops time while Fuyuno’s transformation is still going on. Fuyuno is forced to fight a one-on-one battle against all-too-powerful Fiend only with the inner suit in the strange space where time stops forever. Fuyuno fights bravely, but she is no match for Fiend of Time, who ruthlessly beats her up. Battered Fuyuno can no longer stand on her feet and thinks it’s all over until she remembers the pledge she and her partners Himika Oda and Mikoto Tokugawa made together and she summons the strength to fight back, once and for all, and put an end to everything! But is there any way to defeat Fiend of Time? And can she really find it?!…

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Resolution: 640×360
Duration: 1:03:21
File Type: mp4
File Size: 455Mb