Nov 172017

CGBD-26 光神戦隊スペースレンジャー 後編 制服/コスプレ イメージメーカー:

The minister of Valhalla and Dron Ryulk, the younger brother of Fork, show up in front of the three fighters. Having been obliged to let go of the treasure sword ”Claimh Solais” in exchange for Princess Sophie, the three decide to once back off. Orna Black and Caliban Red take care of Princess Sophie but Sting has an instinctive dislike of her. Sophie speaks to Sting in this condition in private. These two seem understand each other but Princess Sophie beats on Sting all of a sudden. Flat-footed Sting is brought over to the hideout of Ryulk. Rulk, who claims overwhelming might, brainwashes the princess and… Will the intentions of the three fighters unite to be able to defeat Ryulk? Or will they lose to Ryulk helplessly?

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Resolution: 640×360
Duration: 1:00:50
File Type: mp4
File Size: 437Mb


Nov 172017

CGBD-25 光神戦隊スペースレンジャー 前編 ヒロインアクション イメージメーカー:

The King of Valhalla keeps the peace of the universe with his treasure sword. However, the Princess Sophie, so concerned about his health, does one reckless thing; she snatches the sword from the King and throws it away! This should not be known to the governments of the planets nearby which might take advantage of the situation at any minute, so the King selects three warriors and orders them to retrieve the missing treasure. The three travel to Earth and start their mission, but as none of them is willing to cooperate with one another, it is decided that each warrior should search alone. And Sting Blue is the first who finds the missing treasure. When the three warriors’ mission seems going smooth, evil Dron Falk from Dark Planet, who heard the rumor of the missing sword, confronts Sting Blue! Will Sting Blue win the battle against Dron Falk and his overwhelming power only Drom Baim warrior has?

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Resolution: 640×360
Duration: 1:00:48
File Type: mp4
File Size: 437Mb


Nov 152017

An evil group called ”Death Dealers” has been shaking up the peace of the world. They take on terrorism, assassinations and suchlike. To fight against them, four female cyborg fighters in special suits got together as Special Unit Bionic Force.                                                                    However, Red Force, the leader of the Force, Kanon, loses contact on her mission. Blue Force, Mio, goes out to search her, but gets kidnapped by the enemy and suffers brutal tortures by a female high-ranking member of Death Dealers, Pierra. Red Force is brainwashed and attacks Green Force, Fubuki. The youngest among the Force, Pink Force, Chika, falls into the hands of a monster, Snake Doctor. In the desperate situation, the four fighters must find a way out.

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Resolution: 640×360
Duration: 1:13:08
File Type: mp4
File Size: 526Mb


Nov 152017

CGBD-20 グラドルキューティーレスリングBATTLE.03 Battle ... 吉川徹 制服/コスプレ 女優

This is a hardest, cruelest and most deadly wrestling match for Shizuka Ayukawa who must fight against Francois Uesugi. Any weapons are allowed in this outdoor match without referee stoppage. Shizuka suffers much from Francois’s tactful attacks using weapons, but finally wins the battle. However, Shizuka, physically damaged, is then attacked by Ai and is nearly toyed with by her. But Phoenix, who says is Shizuka’s new partner, saves Shizuka in a pinch. This leads to a match between Phoenix and Ai. Ai overwhelms Phoenix with rough attacks and corners her, nearly succeeds in pulling off the mask from her face, but Phoenix, cheered by Shizuka, turns the tables on Ai. Phoenix then proclaims war against Raia, which leads to the match between Shizuka & Phoenix vs. Raia & Ai. But who is Phoenix? What awaits Shizuka? A fateful tag-team match of love and hate is about to begin now.

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Resolution: 640×360
Duration: 1:07:56
File Type: mp4
File Size: 488Mb


Nov 152017

CGBD-19 グラドルヒロイン危機一髪!! ガーディアン旅立ち 女優 ZENピクチャーズ 65分

Betrayed by Ai and abducted by Majima, Kaori gets tortured mercilessly in the crime organization Ashura’s hideout…. Ai, who sold the life of Kaori to Ashura to save her own life, is attracted to kind-hearted Kaori and Ai decides to fight against Ashura on her own again to save Kaori. Ai succeeds in saving Kaori at eleventh hour, but Kaori begins to doubt her mission as Guardian and decides to retire…. Ai is in turn hunted by Ashura and she persuades once retired Kaori to come back. The two girls are about to fight their last fight against Ashura, but..

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Resolution: 640×360
Duration: 1:07:03
File Type: mp4
File Size: 482Mb


Nov 152017

CGBD-18 グラドルキューティーレスリングBATTLE.03 The ... ZENピクチャーズ 吉川徹

Shizuka Ayukawa was fighting on a female wrestling group called “TFM” which broadcasted their matches on Internet TV in order to pay back her parents huge debt. And she became a very poplar star wrestler because she was very cute and besides fragile enough to get sympathy. The day she was fighting with Ai Momose who was a partner of the tag-team match against TFM champion Raia Gomon and only a male wrestler Francois Uesugi who was queer, and as expected they were really beaten so badly by them and loosing nineteen consecutive tag-team matches. In consequence, Shizuka realized the limitation of fighting with Ai, and she fought against Raia as a single tournament and succeeded to make a name. But after that, when Shizuka was fighting a tag-team match with Ai again, she was suddenly betrayed by Ai, and she had to continue fighting alone against three of them including Ai as an irregularly match style, which TMF admitted Ai’s switching over. Raia and her followers including Ai mercilessly hurt Shizuka who couldn’t fight back to them because of the shock, which was caused by Ai’s breach of faith. Is it really possible for Shizuka to get out of this difficulty!

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Resolution: 640×360
Duration: 1:09:10
File Type: mp4
File Size: 497Mb


Nov 152017

I When her father, member of a drug cartel, got caught in the crossfire, young girl Kaori Fujisaki was also involved and she was seriously wounded by a gunshot from an assassin. She spends five years in a coma and in a desperate attempt to wake her up, her grandfather Yuzou, who is an able scientist, continues to give illegal substances to the sleeping girl. One day finally Kaori wakes up from the long coma. However, the drug administered to Kaori has changed her body, transforming her into a girl with superhuman power! With her new gift, Kaori sets out to beat the criminals one after another as superheroine named ”The Guardian”. In the meanwhile, Majima, boss of the evil crime syndicate ”Ashura”, holding a grudge against the Guardian, was making a plan to get rid of her. Majima captures a female thief Ai Tsukimoto who stole into the syndicate’s warehouse and tells her that she must bring the Guardian to them if she wants to live, implanting a small bomb in the buttocks. Ai has no choice but to obey and approach to the Guardian, but…

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Resolution: 640×360
Duration: 1:08:08
File Type: mp4
File Size: 490Mb


Nov 152017

CGBD-15 グラドルヒロイン危機一髪!! セ・レーヌの星 星の王女 制服/コスプレ Actress ZENピクチャーズ

It has been 15 years since Le Roi Soleil, “The Sun King” loved by the people of Kingdom of Rexagon, was dethroned by coup. Evil Elbyde usurped power in the coup and Kingdom is now called Empire of Rexagon, where Elbyde oppresses his people as Emperor. But there is one female warrior who fights against the tyranny of ruthless Emperor alone with a sword. Her name is Star of Selene. She usually disguises herself as a nun called Sister Angers, and fights the Emperor and his men with her face hidden under the mask. However, when Emperor enlists the force of Toile the Witch, female upper-class mastermind, and her associate Servan, Selene must face the toughest fight. She is nearly defeated by them when Black Amaryllis, leader of resistance group, shows up and saves her life, but then Toile poisons Black Amaryllis with her spider venom. Can Selene escape the pinch alive with Black Amaryllis who is severely weakened in the fight?

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Resolution: 640×360
Duration: 1:26:02
File Type: mp4
File Size: 619Mb


Nov 132017

CGBD-14 グラドルキューティーレスリングBATTLE.02 ファントム 65分 COSMORE Uniform / Costume 上倉栄治

After the fierce battle Devil finally defeats Phantom in the first heat. However, Ryugen Sayama is assassinated in the ring and Phantom’s life is also targeted by the assassination group. After the two girl fighters successfully repel their attack, Misawa gives shelter to them, but Misawa, who now knows too much about the secrets, is also attacked by Big Lucy. Spiteful and vengeful Big Lucy attacks Phantom mercilessly because she had lost both the champion belt and trust of the executives and Phantom took them away from her! In the meantime a terrible experiment is being done in Date’s laboratory…. This is the final chapter of the great hardboiled action drama series that is set in the wrestling ring!!

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Resolution: 640×360
Duration: 1:06:20
File Type: mp4
File Size: 477Mb


Nov 132017

CGBD-13 グラドル戦隊退魔巫女戦騎トリプルランサー 青い死闘... グラビアアイドル 60分 イメージメーカー: Heroine Action

Triple Lancers are bitterly defeated by Fiend of Time who can manipulate time as he wishes…. Fuyuno Toyotomi, proudest member of the Lancers, wouldn’t stand it, fights back the fiend alone, trying to find the weak point of their enemy. However, Fiend of Time stops time while Fuyuno’s transformation is still going on. Fuyuno is forced to fight a one-on-one battle against all-too-powerful Fiend only with the inner suit in the strange space where time stops forever. Fuyuno fights bravely, but she is no match for Fiend of Time, who ruthlessly beats her up. Battered Fuyuno can no longer stand on her feet and thinks it’s all over until she remembers the pledge she and her partners Himika Oda and Mikoto Tokugawa made together and she summons the strength to fight back, once and for all, and put an end to everything! But is there any way to defeat Fiend of Time? And can she really find it?!…

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Resolution: 640×360
Duration: 1:03:21
File Type: mp4
File Size: 455Mb