May 292018

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Resolution: 800×480
Duration: 1:33:52
File Type: mp4
File Size: 1431Mb


Feb 152018

ZEOD-51 巨大ヒロイン(R) フレアレディ 東村宗介 イメージメーカー:

If monsters and aliens appear, Flare Lady defeats them all. A leader assembles Reiko Kitami who has good skill for martial arts and Mari Mizusawa who’s in charge of weapon development, to brace up members of Defense Force mind. At the same time, monster Sukyurus appears. Madoka, a member of Defense Force, transforms into Flare Lady to fight with the monster but her killer attack Flare Beam doesn’t work the monster. She is suck her energy and beaten by the monster. She loses her power and returns to human appearance. She is captured by the alien Seiren who controls the monster Sukyurus and violently tortured. Real identities of Kitami and Mizusawa were alien Seiren. Alien Seiren return to Mizusawa’s appearance and tells the leader that Madoka was Flare Lady and rob her power to create a ray gun which can beat any monsters. Madoka is deprived her all energy. The alien Seiren sisters shows their brutal true color. Is Flare Lady able to protect the Earth?

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Resolution: 640×368
Duration: 1:29:26
File Type: mp4
File Size: 1043Mb


Sep 162017

Princess Lia from the planet Andromeda becomes a member of Space Investigator for training and calls herself Lia Saotome to work on the Earth. One day, prince Bow, Lia’s childhood friend and the prince of the planet Bothe, plans to visit to the Earth. Planet Bothe is very rich, so Lia is ordered to guard prince Bow. When Lia and Bow enjoy sightseeing, female space criminal Kumonsienne who were requested Bow’s abduction, and her subordinates appear. Lia transforms into Androforce to fight with Kumonsienne, but she is driven into the corner by Kumonsienne’s poisonous attack. Kumonsienne sniffs poison smell and persistently chases Lia and Bow. Androforce tries to be a decoy to protect Bow, but she is defeated and captured by Kumonsienne. Androforce is violently tortured by Kumonsienne. Androforce has wounds all over her body to bear the torture. She is helped by Bow and challenges to the last fight with Kumonsienne. However, Androforce meets the true fear during her battle.

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Resolution: 856×474
Duration: 1:38:04
File Type: mp4
File Size: 1495Mb