Jan 252018

Shizuka Kitadate is a female teacher who longs to be a superhero. One day, serial disappearance is occurred. An empress Medusa who dominates parallel world, has kidnapped students from another world. Shizuka tries to capture a kidnapper who escaped to the crack of space-time, but she accidentally crushes to another herself from parallel world. She merges into another herself and gets special ability. Shizuka fights with the kidnap organization Bogeyman as a superheroine “T Frontier” (she was inspired by the illustration that a student wrote). Empress Medusa sends a monster Dagon to defeat Frontier. Is Frontier able to save students!?

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Resolution: 640×368
Duration: 1:10:25
File Type: mp4
File Size: 671Mb


Jun 172017

Spandexer, who hides the identity and protects the city of August as a super heroine, usually worked as a reporter for Metro View. But gradually the crowd of people and attention turns into pleasure, so that the perverted desire can sprout in the spandexer. One day, rival company, CEO of Augustnet, Mrs. Shiratori offer sponsors of spandexer who helped my son. Spandexer coming out the identity with this and starts hero activity with the face. Spandexor’s heroine activity, which exposes the body with more radical costumes, stimulates people’s desires and escalates the demands on the heroine. Spandexer is to compensate for the sins he invited with his own body.

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Resolution: 856×480
Duration: 1:17:45
File Type: wmv
File Size: 571Mb


May 192017

日高麻雀の合法相続人の競争を断念し、相良の2人の高校生に相続権を移し、単に日高村の武道の指導者として暮らしています。 しかし、ホライとゴライはマイが相続人になったことに気付き、村から脱出する。 彼らは村の村に足を運び、村人を犠牲にして新日高の忍者の芸術を創り出す。 舞は、尊者の芸術を濫用したために、虎サイの師が村に行ったことに気付きました。しかし、曹長はまた殺されました。 マイは村に行き、上級生に立ち向かうが、村は暴力で満ちている。 MaiはHoraiとGoraiのボディーガードを破り、彼らと会うが、彼女はすでに彼らの汚い罠に巻き込まれている。 2人の上級生徒が日高忍術の暗い面を使って舞を救う。 日高の忍者の芸術を

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Resolution: 856×480
Duration: 1:30:08
File Type: wmv
File Size: 710Mb