Nov 212017

Holy aqua fighter Sailor Aquas fights with monsters who come from the hell. Rape Hunter BEAST has observed carefully Sailor Aquas’ beautiful and noble fight. Sailor Aquas is confused by new enemy Rape Hunter BEAST’s overwhelming power, but she manages to defeat BEAST with goddess art. After the battle, Wounded Sailor Aquas is attacked by monsters again. Besides, Rape Hunter BEAST revived and stands before Aquas again. Now BEAST understand Sailor Aquas’ weak point. Sailor Aquas is beaten by BEAST’s overwhelming power in this time. BEAST tortures and rapes Sailor Aquas to get her pregnant. Sailor Aquas is forced to feel orgasm over and over again and loses her mind. Sailor Aquas looks for a small chance to beat BEAST. However, Rape Hunter BEAST is much stronger than another monsters…

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Resolution: 848×480
Duration: 1:32:19
File Type: mp4
File Size: 1728Mb


Oct 162017

Justice fighter Quad Blade was almost destroyed by female cadre of Space Pirate Dark Matter. Pink Blade/Momoka Kagawa is a survivor of Quad Blade and she was devotedly taking care of Red Blade/Hiroki Akai. Then, female cadre DEATH QUEEN stands before them again. At the moment Momoka tries to transform Pink Blade to against DEATH QUEEN, Akai attacks Momoka and destroys her transformation bracelet. Besides, commander of Dark Matter Sir Goukanmar also appears. Goukanmar orders DEATH QUEEN to capture Pink Blade alive. Because DEATH QUEEN is a loyal subordinate of Goukanmar, she just follows his order faithfully. DEATH QUEEN sees that Goukanmar enjoys raping Pink Blade, and feels violently jealousy. DEATH QUEEN takes a certain action. Two women start fierce battle with love and hate. What is going to happen to the last..?

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Resolution: 856×480
Duration: 1:51:48
File Type: mp4
File Size: 2503Mb


Sep 062017

THP-69 スーパーヒロイン危機一髪!!Vol.69 美聖女戦士セーラーアクアス 戦隊・アニメ・ゲーム 2017/08/11 ギガ コスチューム

The time of battle comes to Sierra Aquasu Waterfow Kyoko who feels a sense of peace in the meantime. The Demon King selected Sailor Angels, demons that aim for their weak points! Poison Behemoth hurts Sailor Aqua’s body with poisoned needle and flame sword. A viper beast who was convinced of a definite victory inserts a Makai egg into a staggering Sailor Aqua’s Vagina in order to defeat Sailor Aquae completely. Without knowing such a thing, Sailor Akua fights again with demons and takes away the vision of poison victims, but the demonic superhuman auditory sense, again the battle becomes a continuous crisis. And suddenly something strange to Sarah Aquas’ body! In her precious place Makai ivy grows up and interferes with her battle · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ___ ___ ___ 0 Sailor Akousas sticking out to the Demon King was insulted and made into a sex slave of the Demon King! The fate of Sailor Aqua is …! What?

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Resolution: 856×474
Duration: 1:27:50
File Type: mp4
File Size: 1339Mb


Mar 312017

GTRL-40 悪の女戦士アクセルガールバイオレントヒーロー凌辱 100分 逆レイプ コスチューム 2017/04/14

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Resolution: 856×480
Duration: 1:46:57
File Type: wmv
File Size: 1185Mb


Mar 172017

GHKO-37 ヒロインピンチ13 正義戦隊ジャスティスファイブ ~クリモムの復讐 ... 輪姦・凌辱 コスチューム SM スパンキング・鞭打ち

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Resolution: 856×480
Duration: 1:17:22
File Type: wmv
File Size: 1623Mb