Dec 162017

Maria Annhart, a chief of the Space Special Crime Investigation Team, cooperates with an informant Merna Nangirl and arrests criminals one after another. In addition, Maria helps Merna to gather fragments of the Red Planet which were turned to jewel. One day, space gang Rosa Quin appears before Merna. Rosa asks Merna to set Maria a trap, instead Rosa gives a fragment of the Red Planet to Merna. Now, Rosa is not interested in jewels and artworks, and she feels beauty when seeing beautiful strong girl is suffered. Rosa has captured many women to torture, and she sets Maria as a next target. Maria is caught in a trap and captured by Rosa. Then, Rosa tortures Maria violently. What will be Maria’s destiny?

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Resolution: 640×368
Duration: 1:40:05
File Type: mp4
File Size: 1168Mb


Nov 242017

Mighty Diana, an investigator of the planet Mighty is called space police. She calls herself Maki Kariya on the Earth and works as a magazine writer. However, Witch Zeora who used to be captured and prisoned by Mighty Diana, appears before Diana. Zeora captures Takagi, Maki’s senior colleague, to lure Maki. Zeora wears costume made by Cripter Ore which is weak point of Mighty Diana and orders Maki to transform Mighty Diana. She feels exhaustion and suffering by seeing Zeora’s appearance. Diana can’t fight with Zeora satisfactory. Diana is punished by Zeora and loses her consciousness. Zeora binds Diana and violently tortures her.

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Resolution: 856×474
Duration: 1:32:35
File Type: mp4
File Size: 1081Mb