GHKP-76 マボカヤン V

Feb 032018

Ren, Kotomi, Honoka, Ayane, and Ranko usually spent their school life in Lingerica Academy. Five girls witness Sexy five’s great work and they organize their own team. Its name is “MAVO-KYAN V.” They transform into “MAVO-KYAN V” when their Academy face a crisis. There is a rumor that one power stone is hidden in Lingerica Academy and it has a special power to enforce human’s ability. An evil organization sneaks into the Academy to get the power stone. The organization officially contributes academic development but MAVO-KYAN V disclose their vicious plan. The organization get angry and send Stallion Mask and monsters to punish MAVO-KYAN V. They try to look for Highparon ore. MAVO-KYAN V gradually lose their identity through the organization’s persistent torture…

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Resolution: 848×480
Duration: 1:09:24
File Type: mp4
File Size: 1057Mb


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