Dec 202017

Names of the young person and four men who defend peace in the earth are brave man fleet blur eve rangers. And, training was taken as a soldier of the fifth person at the girl and the peach garden Emi hometown for which it yearned to them, and even the thing to fight not to mention still transforming was not permitted. The mystery man with a dark cancer that has attacked it aims at in such and me, and is Emisat that finally transforms to the other party and fights. It was a blur eve ranger of loved companions that came to help her who fought hard. However, red and green are brainwashed and become followers of the doctor rouge by the poison pollen attack of a new executive and the doctor rouge of a dark cancer. As for yellow and blue, it is knocked down, and energy has been absorbed to brainwashed red and green with the doctor rouge though the doctor rouge is challenged to a fight to begin to help two people. Can Emisat to which it is forbidden to fight save four people?And, what is the big secret that she holds?

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Resolution: 640×480
Duration: 1:01:53
File Type: mp4
File Size: 420Mb


Nov 302017

ZEKA-05 ZENピクチャーズカタログDVD 危機一髪総集編 ZENピクチャーズ 総集編/BOX

Click to see big thumbnails

Resolution: 640×480
Duration: 3:29:19
File Type: mp4
File Size: 2444Mb


Oct 232017

ao Urarakawa, a woman detective, picks up a runaway girl named Piero, and calls her Tama. There is no peace in their awkward life together. Piero is a member of a terrorist group called ”Crying Circus” made up of 7 girls in their teens who assassinate people in the political world one after the other. In order to capture Piero, a traitor that had escaped from the organization, as well as to win back the data that had been stolen, her real older sister, ”Troupe Leader”, sends out two assassins, ”Wild Animal Tamer” and ”Beast” after her. The hands of evil close in on Piero. However, at the same time Nao is also dragged into the same whirlpool of trouble. Piero, in order to protect Nao goes falling into enemy hands. Nao, who is touched by something within Piero’s heart, although unthinkably reckless, goes off alone to resucue her. Can the two girls brush away the darkness that is closing in on them?

Click to see big thumbnails

Resolution: 640×360
Duration: 1:11:29
File Type: mp4
File Size: 596Mb


Oct 232017

Piero and Nao, after a violent battle, defeat Beast. Although Piero is a bit flustered about having fought with one who used to a comrade of hers, she makes up her mind to fight her older sister, ”Troupe Leader” of Crying Circus. In the meantime, Nao also tries to reveal the mystery of Crying Circus by using her own network, but she is pursued by the Wild Animal Tamer and held captive. The Wild Animal Tamer tortures Nao mercilessly. Will Nao’s cry of anguish reach Piero…? And now, the battle that will decide the course of fate is about to be launched……

Click to see big thumbnails

Resolution: 640×360
Duration: 1:12:41
File Type: mp4
File Size: 523Mb