GRE-01 ヒロイン陵辱Vol.100 – 女性捜査官高取めぐみ – 残忍な外国人の罠 – あやね春菜

Jul 162017

Female investigator “Megumi Takatori” and a junior investigator, “Uragaki Ryo”, were pursuing a series of female kidnapping cases, but suddenly ordered to change their affairs from their bosses. However, Megumi who is not convinced with it will turn to the superior’s orders and continue the investigation of the kidnapping case. Grace gradually approaching the heart …. At that time, Ryo who was exploring the scene screams and becomes missing. Megumi searching for coolness …. At that time, the mysterious creature that appears before Megumi … …. Megumi who is shocked to notice its existence …. And a mysterious life form attacking. It is a grace that threatens to threaten a handgun, but the living body ignores the intimidation and comes closer. Megumi who is forced to shoot …. But bullets can not hurt their life forms. How is it going to happen? It is!

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Resolution: 856×480
Duration: 1:44:40
File Type: wmv
File Size: 1427Mb


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