GHKP-39 ロリータヒロインSku-Sailor Striker二見唯、明恵雨

Oct 082017

Demons are living in the Hananokisaki Women’s Academy. Sku-Sailor Striker and her elder sister Blu-Sailor Striker fight with demons to protect female students. However, Blu-Sailor Striker gets seriously wounded by protecting Sku-Sailor Striker during the fight. Sku-Sailor Striker solely fights with demon to protect Blu-Sailor Striker. However, it was a trap to disgrace Sku-Sailor Striker’s virginity. Is Sku-Sailor Striker able to protect her virginity and rescue Blu-Sailor Striker…!?

Click to see big thumbnails

Resolution: 856×480
Duration: 1:17:44
File Type: mp4
File Size: 1462Mb


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